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DARK ARTS at Hogwarts Castle

Magical night at our favorite amusement park in California celebrating the premiere event of Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle! Let me start by telling you that science fiction movies have always scared me as a kid but that will not stop me from allowing my kids to watch age appropriate movies like Harry Potter! All three of them have watched every movie and know each character! Let's just say they were in cloud 9!

The new ride is just spectacular and the light show was beyond entertaining! The music, the colors and the three dimension addition really made you feel like you are part of Harry Potters life! Bella and Chloe highlight was the scenery of the light show they kept shouting and laughing at the magical attraction! As for my son Mel whom is fourteen wanted to stay for the second showing!

Now that it is spring time its the perfect season to enjoy it with family and no worries summer is around the corner where I know for sure is where we will be visiting several times before school starts!

OOT: Universal Studios

Shoes: @joyfolie

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Bella and Chloe

The Royal Twins


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